Carbon-neutral by 2035 – our pledge on sustainability
Luminate Education Group has vowed to become a net zero organisation by 2035.
Our newly agreed Climate Emergency and Sustainable Development Pledge spells out our commitment to hit the target by taking group-wide action to cut carbon emissions.
“Climate change and ecological destruction are some of the biggest challenges of our time.
“Schools, colleges and universities, like all institutions, have a responsibility to address them; and to meet the UK government’s target to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
“Luminate Education Group seeks to do so much sooner.”
We will achieve net zero when the amount of greenhouse gases that we are producing is equal to or less than those we are removing from the atmosphere.
Wide-ranging actions to hit our target
Some of the main steps we will be taking to achieve the goal by 2035 or earlier – the pledge also includes an aspirational date of 2030 – include:
- Changing our estate and buildings to become more energy efficient, reduce waste and generate their own energy
- Developing sustainable travel plans for each of our sites
- Embedding sustainability and green activities into staff development, student life and across our curriculum
- Encouraging biodiversity on our sites, ensuring areas are dedicated to wildlife and planting
- Partnering with organisations that value sustainability and hold events to support climate action
Our members will continue to provide, and develop, the green skills instruction that our students and partners need to thrive in a zero carbon economy too. And carbon literacy training will be offered to all our students.
Regular updates on progress
To monitor progress, we are also committed to measuring our carbon footprint – benchmark data is currently being collated – and publishing the findings regularly.
Looking ahead, the pledge – formulated by our Climate Emergency Committee – adds: “We will commit to our pledge and develop a detailed roadmap to outline the actions, resources, time and behaviours that will be necessary to achieve our objectives.
“We can’t do this alone. We will work with stakeholders, businesses and our community through networks, events and advocacy.”
Tags: climate change action, Luminate Education Group, net zero, sustainability pledge