  • Luminate Education Group
    Statutory Information

    Download and read all of our statutory information.

  • Luminate Education Group
    Statutory Information

    Download and read all of our statutory information.

Compliments and complaints

If you have a suggestion, compliment or a complaint for Luminate Education Group, please contact one of our teams below.

Further education colleges

Call 0113 284 6349
or email quality@luminate.ac.uk

Higher education institutions

Email hequality@ucleeds.co.uk

Leeds Conservatoire

Email complaints@lcm.ac.uk


Our policies and procedures ensure we operate safely and meet regulations and legal requirements as an education group.
Policies set standards we have to meet. Procedures explain the practical steps we have to take to meet the standards of the policy.
Together, they ensure we keep giving our staff and students the best experience.
If you have any questions, you can email us at contact@luminate.ac.uk
Find the policy you need below:


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


GDPR and Data Protection


Group Board 2023/24 Minutes

Group Board 2022/23 Minutes


Public interest


Term Dates


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