  • Partnerships at
    Luminate Education Group

    Forging strong relationships with the region.

  • Partnerships at
    Luminate Education Group

    Forging strong relationships with the region.

Working in partnership with the region to create the best outcomes
for our students and apprentices

We recognise the importance of working in collaboration with the region, and we work hard to forge strong relationships with local authorities, employers, third sector organisations and regulatory bodies. Our partnerships are hugely important to us, and by working together with other organisations, we can make bigger and better things happen and create the best possible outcomes for our students and apprentices.

Read more about our employer and stakeholder connections

Collaborative partnerships that
create positive change

We are a large, locally rooted anchor institution in the Leeds City Region, and it’s a responsibility we take seriously.

Our size and influence allow us to work alongside local authorities to tackle education and economic issues, and shape the region’s education…

Meeting the needs
of the industry

We are proud of our strong industry relationships. We work alongside businesses and professional bodies to ensure our curriculum, courses and apprenticeships meet local economic needs and arm our students and apprentices with the skills and qualifications that employers are looking for…


Our member organisations are firmly rooted in the communities they operate in, and we work collectively as a group to help local charities and grassroots organisations achieve great things.

Our collective weight gives these organisations an amplified voice…

Our partners

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Luminate Education Group is committed to being sustainable and socially responsible. We recognise that as an educational provider and an employer we have an opportunity and aspiration to positively impact the social and economic welfare of our region and an environmental responsibility to our planet.

A key part of our social conscience is creating opportunities to further enhance the lives and changes of our students and communities. If you or your organisation has a CSR policy or want to make a difference we could put you in touch with one of our departments to enhance your meaningful projects.

To partner with us, please get in touch with Makeela Tisdel, Group Corporate Social Responsibility Project Co-ordinator, at Makeela.Tisdel@luminate.ac.uk

Interested in
partnering with us?

We firmly believe that by working together, we are stronger. We are always keen to hear from potential partners.

Please get in touch with the following people:

- For apprenticeships, contact Kelly-Marie McAllister, Group Director of Apprenticeships, Kelly-Marie.McAllister@luminate.ac.uk

- For business enquires, contact employers@leedscitycollege.ac.uk

- For community organisations, contact Joanne Dye, Director of Adult, Community and ESOL, joanne.dye@leedscitycollege.ac.uk

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